Ho Chi Minh

Ltd., Co
Address: 5th Floor, 119 Dien
Bien Phu, Da Kao, Dist. 1, Ho Chi Minh city
Tel: 028 3820243028/9 * Website: www.quantic.com.vn * Email:
Field: Outsourcing services, Off-shore,
Business Application, RIA, GIS

Vietnam Corporation
Address: Lot E2a-3, D1 St., Saigon Hi-Tech Park, Long Thanh My Ward, Thu Duc City, HCMC
Tel: 028 54123400 * Website: www.hpt.vn
Field: System integration, Softwares
and IT services, Information safety

Address: 9 Doan Van Bo, Dist. 4, HCMC
Tel: 028 39238520 * Website: http://www.dxc.technology/vn_vn
Email: tdang20@csc.com
Field: Application Services, Big data,
Business and technology analysis and consulting

Address: 111 Nguyen Dinh Chinh, Ward 15,
Phu Nhuan Dist., HCMC
*Tel: 028 39903848 *
Website: www.tmasolutions.com
* Email: sales@tma.com.vn
Field: Telecommunications and R&D
network, business application, mobile solution

Egg Co, Ltd.
Address: 17th floor, REE Tower, 9 Doan Van Bo, Dist.4, HCMC
*Tel: 028 39431389 * Website: www.glassegg.com
Field: Game development and Graphics

Trung Software City Development Company
Address: Building 3, Quang Trung software park, Tan
Chanh Hiep, Dist.12, HCMC
*Tel: 028 37155055 * Website: http://www.qtsc.com.vn
Field: IT services

Nash Vietnam Ltd.
Address: 3rd Floor, E-Town 1, 364 Cong Hoa, Tan Binh
Dist., HCMC
*Tel: 028 38106200 * Website:
* Email: talentpool@harveynash.vn
Field: BPO, ITO and KPO

Software Service
Address: 8 Le Trung Nghia, Ward 12,
Tan Binh Dist., HCMC
Tel: 028 39 483 800 *Website: www.success-ss.com.vn
Field: Mobile application development, software development, Phát triển
ứng dụng Mobile, software development

Hitachi Vantara Vietnam
Address: Helios
Building, Quang Trung Software park, Tan Chanh Hiep, Dist.12, HCMC
Tel:028 54371199 * Website:www.globalcybersoft.com
Field: IT Outsourcing

Joint stock Company
Address: 14 Floor, Flemington
building, 182 Le Dai Hanh, Ward 15, Dist.11, HCMC
Tel: 028 38664666 * www.vng.com.vn * partnership@vng.com.vn
Field: Game PC Development, mobile

Vietnam Company Ltd.
Address: 1st Floor, Anna
building, Quang Trung software park , Tan Chanh Hiep, Ward 12, HCMC
Tel: 028 54371178 * www.luxoft.com
Field: BPO, ITO and KPO

Co., Ltd
Address: 21C-21D Nguyen Van Troi, Ward
12, Phu Nhuan, HCMC
Tel: 028 38236900 * www.dolsoft.com * dolsoft@hcm.vnn.vn
Field: Security and Semiconductor

Information Technology (Vietnam) Ltd
Address: 7th Floor,
Melody-2 Tower, N1 Dien Bien Phu, Binh Thanh, HCMC
Tel: 028 38994740 * www.elca.vn
* info@elca.vn
Field: Software development

Telecommunication & Technologies Corp.
Address: Lot 46, Quang Trung software
park, Tan Chanh Hiep, Ward 12, HCMC
Tel: 028 39301015 * http://saigontel.com/ * info@saigontel.vn
Field: Telecommunications

- Texx Vietnam
Address: 2nd Floor, Anna
Building, Quang Trung Software park, Tan Chanh Hiep, Ward 12, HCMC
Tel: 028 37155325 * www.digi-texx.com.vn
Field: BPO, ITO and KPO
Post Solutions Co.,Ltd
Address: Saigon ICT Tower, Quang Trung
Software park, Tan Chanh Hiep, Ward 12, HCMC
Tel: 028 37155359 * www.spsvietnam.vn *
Field: Data, IT services, BPO, imagine
processing, software development

Dragon Information Technology Ltd.
Address: E47 Hoang Quoc Viet, Phu
Nhuan, Dist.7, HCMC
Tel: 028 37853090 * www.asiandragon-vn.com
Field: IT training service

Resources Vietnam Ltd
Address: 145-147 Nguyen Co Thach, An
Loi Dong Ward, Ward 2, HCMC
Tel: 028 38236900 * www.trginternational.com
Field: ERP management software of
businesses, finance, retail, restaurants,…

Addres: Room 5024, Lu Gia building, 70
Lu Gia, Ward 15, Ward 11, HCMC
Tel: 028 62644988 * http://dzogame.vn* info@asiasoft.net.vn
Field: Online game developing services

Vietnam Co., Ltd
Address: Room.3.1, 3rd
floor , Etown 2 building, 364 Cong Hoa, Ward 13, Tan Binh Dist., HCMC
Tel: 028 38127145 * www.isb-vietnam.com.vn
Field: mobile application, business

Technology Vietnam Company Limited
Address: 123 Cong Hoa, Ward 12, Tan
Binh Dist., HCMC
Tel: 028 38119977 * www.kms-technology.com
Field: BPO, Consulting service, Analytic,
design, code and security services

A. R.I.O.N Computing Co., Ltd
Address: Room 10, Building 5, Quang
Trung software park, Tan Chanh Hiep, Ward 12, HCMC
Tel: 028 37155742 * www.elarion.com * info@elarion.com
Field: Software manufacturing and
outsourcing, training.

Consultants International Company Limited
Address: 2nd floor, 235-241
Cong Hoa, Ward 13, Tan Binh Dist., HCMC
Tel: 028 38114705 * www.ecci.com.vn
Field: Consulting service, training , consulting
service of general management, manufacturing management

Software Development Coporation
Address: Room.5.8, 5th
Floor, Etown Building, 364 Cong Hoa, Tan Binh, HCMC
Tel: 028 38120101 * www.orientsoftware.net * sales@orientsoftware.net
Field: software manufacturing,
designing and outsourcing

Software Solutions Corporation
Address: 307/12 Nguyen Van Troi, P.1, Q.12,
TP.Hồ Chí Minh
Tel: 028 35471411 * www.s3corp.com.vn * info@s3corp.com.vn
Field: Software outsourcing, mobile
application development

Viet Nam Co., Ltd
Address: 1 A Phan Xich Long, Ward 2,
Phu Nhuan Dist., HCMC
Tel: 028 39954072 * www.logigear.com
Field: Software testing and

Co., Ltd
Address: 5th floor, JVPE
building, Quang Trung software park, Ward 12, HCMC
Tel: 028 37402492 * www.kobekara.com * info@kobekara.com
Field: Software manufacturing

Vietnam Co., Ltd
Address: 3rd, 4th
Floor, B Building, Tan Thuan export processing zone, Tan Thuan Dong, Dist.7,
Tel: 028 37702000 * www.aricent.com
Field: Software manufacturing and
designing, designing service, integration, technical consulting

Sun Software Solution Corporation
Add: Song Da Building, 14B Ky Dong, Ward
9, Dist.3, HCMC
Tel: 19006123 * www.asoft.com.vn
Field: Software manufacturing, ERP, consulting

Vietnam Co., Ltd
Add: R.1109, 11th F., Waseco
Building, 10 Phổ Quang, W.2, Tan Binh Dist., HCMC
Tel: 028 38424483 * www.aris-vn.com * contact@aris-vn.com
Field: Software outsourcing, mobile
application development.

Saigon Software Corporation
Add: 4 Le Duc Tho, Ward 7, Go Vap
Dist., HCMC
Tel: 028 3984099 * www.newsaigonsoft.com * sales@newsaigonsoft.com
Field: MNM open source solutions, BPO,
consulting, security solutions.

Light Software Solution JSC
Add: 4th Floor, Xbuilding,
2 Nguyen The Loc, W.12, Tan Binh, HCMC
Tel: 028 38119451 * www.serenco.net *
Field: Software and application
research and development, bank services, consulting,

Dat Technology Solutions Corporation
Add: 341/39S Lac Long Quan, W.5, D.11,
Tel: 028 39745311 * www.tdasolution.com * info@tdasolution.com
Field: Communication, software
manufacturing, outsourcing, consulting service

Joint Stock Company
Add: R4-59 Hung Gia 4, Phu My Hung,
Tan Phong, W.7, HCMC
Tel: 028 628850288 * www.idtek.com.vn * info@hqsoft.com.vn
Field: BPO, online air-ticket
software, B2B e-commerce, contact center

Vietnam Joint Stock Company
Add: 6th -7th Floor, Me
Linh Point Building, 2 Ngo Duc Ke, W.1, HCMC
Tel: 19006027 * www.saprovn.com
Field: Consulting solutions on
managing business, ERP consulting service

Tien Service Corporation
Add: 4th Floor, 418 Tran
Phu, W.7, D.5, HCMC
Tel: 028 73050636 * www.dtsc.vn
* partners@dtsc.com.vn
Field: manufacturing softwares in
finance- banking field.

Software Co.,Ltd
Add: 614-616-618 3/2street, D.10, HCMC
Tel: 028 38637274 * www.phanmemvang.com.vn
Field: Gold- specialized software

Digital Development Co., Ltd
Add: 144 Vo Van Tan, W.6, D.3, HCMC
Tel: 028 38306820 * www.vdd.com.vn * info@vdd.com.vn
Field: Analytic developing, IT system
management, equipment providing

Vietnam LLC
Add: 024 Nguyen Dinh Chieu, W.Dakao, D.1,
Tel: 028 22288262 * www.opticon.com
Field: IT services and equipments

Joint Stock Company
Add: B6 Bach Dang, W.2, Tan Binh, HCMC
Tel: 028 5470606 * www.dmspro.vn * info@dmspro.vn
Field: Software manufacturing

Add: 08th Floor, Ha Do AirPort Building, 2 Hong Ha
Street, Ward 2, Tan Binh District, Ho Chi Minh City
Tel: 028 22476878 * Email: Contact@splus-software.com.vn
Field: Software, IT Service Development and Digital Transformation

Add: 405 / 2A Truong Chinh, F14, Tan
Binh Dist., Ho Chi Minh City
Tel: 028 6297 2022/Ext:101 Email: welcome@portlogics.com.vn
Website: htttp://www.portlogics.com.vn.
Field: Software production process of
container extraction, automation

Informaties & Trading Co., LTD
Add: No. 4 Nam Quoc Cang St., Pham Ngu Lao Ward, Dist. 1, Ho Chi Minh
Tel: 028 3925 2932 Email: 028 3925 2932
Website: http://www.hongco-it.com
Field: Computer services

4th F, 302 Le Van Sy, W.1, Tan Binh district, HCMC
Tel: 028 39912068 * www.tpssoft.com
Field: Software manufacturing and
outsourcing, business solution consulting, providing the best solutions on
medical, healthcare,retail and e-commerce

Communication Data Corporation ( Incomda Corporation)
Add: 2nd F, Scetpa building,
19A Cong Hoa, W.12, Tan Binh Dist., HCMC
Tel: 028 62895123 * www.incomda.com
Field: Software services, enterprise
computing solutions google for work in Vietnam

Bac Dau Technologies Coporation
Add: Lot U.12B - 16A Street No.22, W. Tan Thuan Dong, Dist.7, HCMC
Tel: 028 3770 0968 * www.saobacdau.vn
Field: system integration service,
designing and implementing solutions on IoT; Cloud computing- based services,
IT and telecommunication infrastructure

Add: 26, 31A Street, Zone 5, An Phu
Ward, Dist.2, HCMC
01658366666 * http://thehegeo.com/
Field: remote data sensing controller
and collection

Add: 204 Pasteur Street, W. 6, Dist.3,
Tel: 028 38230328 * https://dinosys.vn/
Field: IT system infrastructure
solutions; security solutions; IT services; software application development,
software outsourcing and packed software development

Add: 4th F, H3 highway, 384
Hoang Dieu street, W.6, Dist.4, HCMC
Tel: 028 73008184 * www.saigonbpo.vn
Field: Data entry, process, scanning
service and Software development

Solutions (Vietnam) Co.Ltd
Add: 9th F, 39B Hai Au
building, W.4, Tan Binh Dist., HCMC
Tel: 0903331805 * www.aperia.com
Field: Software manufacturing; business
software manufacturing, designing and developing

Technology Joint Stock Company
Add: 2nd F, Tat Minh
building, 249 Cong Hoa, W.13, Tan Binh Dist., HCMC
Tel: 0905611699 * www.tadu.vn
Field: Software services

Vietnam Co., Ltd
Add: 4thF, Etown 1
building, 364 Cong Hoa, P13, Tan Binh Dist., HCMC
Tel: 028 3 810 3385 * www.system-exe.com.vn
Field: Manufacturing, selling, HR
management system

Solution Corporation
Add: 101 Tran Hung Dao, W.Ong Cao
Lanh, Dist.1, HCMC
Tel: 0937929930 * www.eplatform.vn
Field: Software outsourcing

Vietnam JSC.
Add: 12A Floor, Lim 2 building, 62A
Cach Mang Thang Tam street, W.6, Dist.3, HCMC
Tel: 028 3 6369 309 *
Field: Software manufacturing

Công ty Cổ phần Chips
Dao Duy Anh, W.9, Phu Nhuan Dist., HCMC
Tel: 028 66 815 388
Email: info@chips.vn
Website: http://chips.vn
Field: Domain
registration and network services provision

Nguyen Thi Thap, KDC Him Lam, Tan Hung, Dist. 7, HCMC
Tel: 028 2253 8470
Email: remann@remann.com.vn
Website: http://www.hitexglobal.com
Field: Computer
Joint Stock Company
Address: F.2, Athena Building, 146-148 Cong Hoa St., Ward 12, Tan Binh Dist.,
Ho Chi Minh City
Phone: 028 7 309 9001 * Email: marketing@appay.vn
Website: http://appay.vn
Fields: Software Manufacturing, Solution Consulting, Telecommunications
Vietnam Joint Stock Company
Address: No.39 Nguyen Thi Dieu St., Ward 6, District 3, Ho Chi Minh City
Phone: 028 3 930 2407 * Website: http://gumiviet.com
Fields: Software Manufacturing and Outsourcing
Software Joint Stock Company
Address: 451/21/4 To Hien Thanh St., Ward 14, District 10, Ho Chi Minh City
Phone: 028 62703858
Field: Software services
Company Limited
Address: VnResource Building, 41/7 Pham Ngu Lao St., Ward 3, Go Vap District,
Ho Chi Minh City
Phone: 028 6253 0000 * Website: http://www.vnresource.vn/
Field: Software services
Solution Digital Technology Company Limited
Address: 50 Le Van Viet St., Hiep Phu Ward, District 9, Ho Chi Minh City
Phone: 0934 090 231 * Website: https://www.atsolution.info
Fields: Medical software, E-commerce
Rikai Technology Co., Ltd
Address: 27A, Hoang Viet Phuong 4, Tan Binh Dist, Ho Chi Minh City
Phone: 028 22 538 215 * Email: contact@rikai.technology
Website: www.rikai.technology
Fields: Software Outsourcing
Address: 76 Cach Mang Thang Tam, Ward 6, 3 District, Ho Chi Minh City
Phone: 028 3848 1882 * Website: https://www.perp.vn; www.vbiscloud.com
Fields: Software product
People Military Hospital Information Technology Center ( 7C IT Center).
Address: 76 Cach Mang Thang Tam, Ward 6, 3 District, Ho Chi Minh City
Phone: 028
38 960 054 * Website: https://www.itc.quandanymiendong.vn
Fields: Software product & Solutions consultant
ELSA Co.,Ltd
Address: Ruby 1 Building, 92 Nguyen Huu Canh, 22 ward, Binh Thanh Dist, Ho Chi Minh City
Phone: 1900 633 413 * Website: https://elsaspeak.com
Fields: Solutions learning native pronunciation standards
AdNovum Vietnam LLC
Address: E-town 2, 364 Cong Hoa, W.13, Tan Binh Dist., HCMC
Phone: 028 3 816 8200 * Website: https://www.adnovum.vn
Fields: Software products
Design Factory Co.,Ltd
Address: B-18.04 Sunrise City View, 33 Nguyen Huu Tho, Phuong Tan Hung, District 7, Ho Chi Minh City
Phone: 077 464 9090
Fields: Software products & outsourcing
VietInfo Technology Corporation
Address: 32 Xo Viet Nghe Tinh, Ward 9, Binh Thanh District, Ho Chi Minh city
Phone: 02862582324
Fields: Software production
Address: Room 1161, 11th Floor, 33 Le Duan Street, Ben Nghe ward, District 1, Ho Chi Minh City.
Phone: +84 2835542521 * Website: www.togalimited.com
Fields: Software production
Mhealth Technologies Joint stock company
Address: LA02.08, Lexington Building, 67 Mai Chi Tho, An Phu Ward, District 2, HCMC
Phone: 028 3622 6822 * Website: https://khamtuxa.vn
Fields: Software services
Titan Technology Corporation
Address: 40 Lam Son, Ward 2, Tan Binh District, Ho Chi Minh City
Phone: 84-8-35471133 * Website: http://www.titancorpvn.com
Fields: Software outsoucing.
C2C Tech Hub Company Limited
Address: 2C12 Truong Sa, Ward 19, Binh Thanh District, HCMC
Phone: 0911440938 * Website: https://c2c-platform.com/en/service/
Fields: Software Development
Logix Technology Vietnam Company Limited
Address: 2 Flr, Master Building, 41-43 Tran Cao Van, Ward 6, District 3, HCMC
Email: info@logixtek.com * Website: https://www.logixtek.com/
Fields: Solutions for retails
Candylio Company Limited
Address: 7th Floor, Arirang Building, 131 Tran Huy Lieu Street, Ward 8, Phu Nhuan District, HCMC
Phone: 028 3995 4888 * Website: http://candylio.com/
Fields: Software Development
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GREX Solutions software Joint Stock Company
Address: 287/62/12 Au Duong Lan, Ward 02, District 08, HCMC
Phone: 0899 850 006 * Website: www.grex-solutions.com
Fields: Software production
Select Technology Co., Ltd
Address: 23rd Floor, Petroland Tower, 12 Tan Trao, Tan Phu Ward, District 7, HCMC
Email: info@seltec.io * Website: www.seltec.io
Fields: Software services
Global Enterprise Solution Joint Stock Company
Address: No. 234 Nguyen Trong Tuyen, 8 Ward, Phú Nhuận District, Ho Chi Minh City
Tel: 028 3588 0641 * Website: https://geso.us
Fields: DMS distribution management system; ERP Enterprise Resource Planning Solutions; Consulting IT system setting
NEXLAB Technology Company Limited
Address: 3rd floor, M.G Building, No. 26 Hoang Ke Viem, Ward 12, Tan Binh District, Ho Chi Minh City
Tel: 028 2215 9068 * Website: http://nexlab.tech/
Fields: BPO, EdTech, CRM, Business management
SPHACY Joint Stock Company
Address: A5, D4 Street, Tan Hung Ward, District 7, Ho Chi Minh city, Vietnam
Tel: 028 3771 5777 * Website: https://sphacy.com/
Fields: MedTech
South Telecommunications Software Joint Stock Company
Address: 136/12 Vuon Chuoi, Ward 4, District 3, Ho Chi Minh City
Tel: 02836222789 * Website: https://southtelecom.vn/
TEN Group Joint Stock Company
Address: No. 56 Street 3122 Pham The Hien, Ward 7, District 8, Ho Chi Minh City
Tel: 0939220558 * Website: tengroup.com.vn
Address: MHome Building, 373 Nguyen Trong Tuyen street, Ward 2, Tan Binh District, HCMC
Tel: 2866815808 * Website: https://zamo.io/
VIETCAD Company Limited
Address: Floor 2.25-2.26-2.27, No. 223 Hoang Van Thu Str., Ward 8, Phu Nhuan Dist., Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam
Tel: 913920632 * Website: https://www.vietcad.com
WATA Corporation Joint Stock Company
Address: Fl. 11, Hai Au Building, No. 39B Truong Son, Ward 4, Tan Binh Dist., Ho Chi Minh
Tel: 2836369248 * Website: https://watacorp.com/
Intel Vietnam Company Ltd
Address: Unit 22-102, 22F, 11 Doan Van Bo Street, Ward 12, District 4, HCMC, Vietnam
Tel: 0917722701 * Website: intel.vn
Address: 110 Bui Ta Han Street, An Phu Ward, Thu Duc City, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
Tel: 0936665586 * Website: https://stvg.vn
SNETEL Technologies Co.,Ltd
Address: Room 900-03, 9th floor, Indochina Plaza Hanoi building, Xuan Thuy street, Cau Giay district, Hanoi city
Tel: 84933381145 * Website: https://www.snetel.com
Online Mobile Services JSC
Address: Floor M, Petroland Building, No. 12, Tan Trao Street, Tan Phu Ward, District 7, Ho Chi Minh City
Tel: 02.854.147.667 * Website: https://momo.vn/
Rakumo Company Limited
Address: 9th floor, Etown 2, 364 Cong Hoa, Ward 13, Tan Binh, Ho Chi Minh City
Tel: (+84) 28.38 120 200 * Website: http://rakumo.vn/
Smartlog Supply Chain Solutions Corporation
Address: 215B37 Nguyen Van Huong, Thao Dien Ward, Thu Duc City, City. Ho Chi Minh
Tel: 02822530709 * Website: https://gosmartlog.com/
ADPEX Joint Stock Company
Address: Room G3, FOSCO office building, No. 6, Phung Khac Khoan, Da Kao Ward, District 1, Ho Chi Minh City
Tel: 02838239052 * Website: http://adpex.vn/
Vi Na Data Information Technology - Service Joint Stock Company
Address: Floor 13th, SGGP News Building, 432-434 Nguyen Thi Minh Khai Street, District 3, Ho Chi Minh City
Tel: 02838112731 * Website: https://www.vngcloud.vn
Delivery Technology Joint Stock Company
Address: 20A Tran Van Quang, Ward 10, Tan Binh District, Ho Chi Minh City
Tel: 1900636209 * Website: https://ship60.com/
GEEK UP Technology Joint Stock Company
Address: 244/31 Huynh Van Banh, Ward 11, Phu Nhuan District, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
Tel: 84862624400 * Website: https://geekup.vn/
GOTIK Software Developmental and Consulting Co., Ltd.
Address: 185, TL28, KP3, Thanh Loc, District 12, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
Tel: 0909900776 * Website: gotik.io
VIHAT Technology Joint Stock Company
Address: No. 6, Street 16, KP5, Hiep Binh Chanh, Thu Duc, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
Tel: 02871010898 * Website: https://www.vihat.vn/
TOSHIBA Software Development Vietnam Company Limited
Address: Room 021, Centec Towe, 4th Floor, 72 - 74 Nguyen Thi Minh Khai, Ward 6, District 3, City. Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
Tel: 0936462968 * Website: https://www.toshiba-tsdv.com/
TOPENLAND Vietnam Corporation
Address: 89 Tran Quoc Toan, Vo Thi Sau Ward, District 3, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
Tel: 02873018869 * Website: https://topenland.com/
UNIT Vietnam Joint Stock Company
Address: 157 Nguyen Thi Thap, Tan Phu Ward, District 7, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
Tel: 0839295666 * Website: https://www.unit.com.vn
VOIP 24h
Address: 157 Nguyen Thi Thap, Tan Phu Ward, District 7, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
Tel: 0979996877 * Website: https://voip24h.vn/
ISSI Software Joint Stock Company
Address: 157 Nguyen Thi Thap, Tan Phu Ward, District 7, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
Tel: 0939155101 * Website: https://issi.vn/
RECRUITERY Company Limited
Address: 26 Ly Tu Trong, Ben Nghe Ward, District 1, City. Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam
Tel: 0909367757 * Website: https://recruitery.co/
FIREAPP Technology Joint Stock Company
Address: Floor 22, 182 Le Dai Hanh, Ward 15, District 11, City. Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam
Tel: 0909367757 * Website: https://recruitery.co/
BERYL 8 Pus - Vietnam Company Limited
Address: Office 3, 9B Thai Van Lung, Ben Nghe Ward, District 1, City. Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam
Tel: 02838232232 * Website: https://www.beryl8.com
FADO Global Joint Stock Company
Address: 21Bis Hau Giang, Ward 04, Tan Binh District, City. Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
Tel: 0907009247 * Website: https://fado.vn/
CMN Vietnam Online Joint Stock Company
Address: 12 Nguyen Co Thach, An Loi Dong Ward, Thu Duc City, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
Tel: 038335466 * Website: https://cmn.vn/
Tung Viet Communication Company Limited
Address: 489A/21/54 Huynh Van Banh, Ward 13, Phu Nhuan District, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
Tel: 02839918666 * Website: https://vietnamdigitalsignage.com/
STEPMEDIA Software Vietnam Company Limited
Address: 11th floor, Vietjet Plaza, No. 60A Truong Son Street, Ward 2, Tan Binh District, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
Tel: 0373444968 * Website: https://stepmediasoftware.com/
ZTAG Vietnam Co., LTd.
Address: The Riverside Residence A, Street No. 19, Phu My, Tan Phu, District 7, Block A1, Ho Chi Minh
Tel: 0983433845 * Website: https://www.ztag.vn
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